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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Moving around........

So since Tuesdays...Cooper just can'tstop rolling over. Back to Front to Back...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

4 months old...

Well Cooper weighs 15lbs 4.3oz today and he is 25 3/4inches in length.

He has been inch wormer all over the place... he used to roll over a lot, but now he realizes he has arms and they are his blockers.

He really likes laying on his belly now and for longer periods of time, which also helps release all the GAS trapped in his belly (and entertains mommy).

We started having more frequent naked playing time and he LOVES that. He pees all over the place... hahaha

The doctor said we can start Cooper on Rice Cereal and I told Daddy we were going to start that maybe this afternoon... there was silence. I said we will start tonight (so he can feed him, too). The doctor said that a tablespoon of rice cereal can take about 20 bite... this should be fun.

He had 4 shots today, he was so tired...he was crying and then shots...yikes. He feel asleep once I got him back inside from the car and has been asleep since. He normally eats every 2-2 1/2 hours.. but we are going to try and phase into every 3hours now...

oh and he is also up... so I will continue this later...

Much love.